Thursday, July 30, 2020

Cavalock and The Lockdown Booze Collage

Like some folks out there, I did resort to some boozy entertainment during the Lockdown as evident from these snapshots I took at home. I almost forgot bout them until I chanced upon them in me phone's photo album. All good stuff but I gotta give a shout-out to the French Cider at the bottom left from So France. If you like cider, give this bottle a try. Been ages since I had a good cider, can't find any decent cider from the US anymore and this French cider is pretty excellent.

Well, this is Gen Con weekend and like I mentioned in me last post, me and five other guys should be in the US right now. Instead we are all still here for obvious reasons. So rather than spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on games at Gen Con, I have been spending a tiny fraction of that amount on getting games from Amazon. One of them is Warfighter: The WWII Tactical Combat Card Game, definitely the most complex game in my collection. I have yet to play and have been busy pouring over 50 over pages of rules as well as watching instructional YouTube videos on how to play it. 

Now I got it for a couple reasons. First off, I'm a huge WWII nut since my teenage years, there was a time when I knew stuff bout D-Day's Operation Torch and Operation Barbarossa on the Eastern Front. I think I mentioned this in a much earlier blog. Anyway the other reason is the many favourable reviews the game has gotten. It's also solo-able, meaning I can play it by myself. Since the pandemic is making us all spend a lot more time indoors, I have been playing more solo games than ever before. Hope to finish understanding the rules and getting it to the table real soon.

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