I know its been awhile since I blogged. Here's a meme that b tagged me about a month ago (sorry, b!), I'm finally doing it!
It's called 7 songs.
Meme: List seven songs you’re into right now ... no matter what they are. BUT they must be songs you’re presently enjoying. Most but not all are in my ipod nano, some are from my co-workers' itunes that I listen to via office network. In no particular order, here we go.
1. Where did our love go? Diana Ross and the Supremes. I always enjoyed her early songs before she went solo.
2. Baba O'Riley by The Who. Believe it or not, I become a fan of The Who only after hearing them on all three C.S.I shows.
3. Shape of my heart by The Backstreet Boys. Found this guy's ipod playlist on the office network and he has got this whole bunch of Backstreet Boys' hits. Hey, it's a catchy song!
4. James Bond theme. The remix dance version by Moby. It's already a fast-paced piece made even faster by Moby. I put this on a loop while I'm writing.
5. The Rock soundtrack. Had tons of writing to do and deadlines to meet last couple of weeks. So I been listening to a lot of instrumental pieces. This the 'usual' high-octane action movie soundtrack by the one and only Hans Zimmer. I'm trying to get his soundtrack to the second Pirates movie but I can't find it in the shops here.
6. One wild night by Bon Jovi. Always a good piece to wake me up.
7. Tonight is what it means to be young by Fire Inc.. OK, I bet not many people know this number. It's from an old movie called Streets of Fire. It's an underrated 80s action rock and roll musical starring a young Willem Dafoe as the bad guy, Michael Pare as the good guy and a very hot Diane Lane. I remember watching it as a kid. Damn the opening number Nowhere Fast and this closing number were the best! Here's the video or rather the final scene. Picture this: hero saves the girl, she goes on to perform in her rock concert, he knows they belong to different worlds, leaves in the middle of her song. Check out the part where he finally walks out the door and the look on Diane Lane's face. You could almost feel her heart break!