Friday, April 28, 2006

Let's Talk About Luv

Was reading a bunch of blogs and I realized that there sure are lots of folks out there who are writing about love and mushy stuff like that. So I figured maybe I’ll just share a little something I know about the topic. I’m no expert on it, but here’s one of my all-time favourite quotes about love. Now whenever any of you are in a rough patch in the relationship or on the verge of a breakup cos of some jackass reason, remember these words spoken by a very famous individual to his wife…

"Sometimes love and destiny pull you in opposite directions. Sometimes loving somebody means you can't go to the places you wanted to go, or live the life you should lead. When everything sensible inside is screaming at you to plant that final kiss and say goodbye, sometimes the best thing to do the only thing to do is to hang on to that love with all the strength and fervor your soul has to offer. And change your plans. Tread a different path, and discover that, in the end, it all worked out just the way it was supposed to. And you couldn't imagine it ever unfolding differently. Love's funny that way."
P.P. to M.J.

Pretty neat huh? No? Hmmm….well, I guess it’s not something everyone can relate to. Oh well, I thought it was cool.

Was also thinking…after Secret Origins Parts I and II, anyone interested in Secret Origins Part III? Enough of being a Child of Order, here’s where he starts sliding down the slippery road to Chaos!


Anonymous said...

well said... and i still hold fast the belief that "love does not consist gazing at each other but looking together in the same direction".

imp said...

totally relate to it. no wonder i'm stuck here in singapore for at least 3 years. the love doesn't quite cover the strangeness of being in singapore. and tantrums rear their ugly heads still.

Prince Romp said...

If its not pain then its not called love...!

Actually love sucks!

Kay said...

Have to partially agree with does sucks

There is no such thing as true love dat is above everything...sometimes ppl tend to mix up the feeling of love...

The true question is WHAT is LOVE?? me

Cavalock said...

Woo hoo! Looks like I’m gonna be rich! And its FREEEEE!

Ally said...

nice quote!
no one can ever define the intricacies of love. that's what makes it frustrating yet intriguing all at the same time i suppose~!=)