Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Womanly Words Of Wisdom?

You know there are some things you never ever forget, things people say to you when you were just a kid and till today, you still remember them. Well, here are three things said by three women many, many years ago that I still, for some really weird reason which I don’t know, still remember today.

This was what a classmate’s girlfriend said to me when I was like, only 12 or 13 years old. She said, “Don’t tell me you intend to marry your first girlfriend?” … or more or less, words to that effect. I guess at that time it just struck me as really, really odd that a girl would say something like that. First girlfriend? During my entire academic career, I have never been in a single relationship! Good little Child of Order remember?!? Hah!

Next a woman said this to me when I was in my late teens just as I was about to join the army. She was like about ten years older than me, and also the first person to give me my first break in the media industry. We went out a few times but nothing physical or intimate happened between us. We were just friends although of cos, I started having feelings but she kinda nipped it in the bud by saying something like this, “In this kind of relationship, its always the younger person who feels that it’s ok but the older person will always be uncomfortable. I was in the same position as you before.”

Now this was what a local food reviewer said to me when she was doing a review on some small food stalls. When asked if she ever gave a really bad review, she said “No, I try not break somebody’s rice bowl.” I sat back and thought about it. Yah, no one should ever break another person’s rice bowl.

Hey, look what I found...was looking for a pix about luv to go with my last entry on the topic and I finally dug up this from my you-know-where trip! Taken at my hotel lobby! A western-style Japanese wedding, check out the ladies in the kimonos. Well, since this entry has something to do with women and weddings usually have them in it...


Richard said...

Well, I was told (by a woman) that women make up their minds quickly about potential mates and won't wait around while a guy tries to figure out if she is suitable or not.

I told her that I was not interested in women who make rash decisions.

She said my best bet was to find a young girl and groom her as I would not have any luck in finding a women who shared my ideas.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

an all-time favourite "womanly words of wisdom" -- which makes a perfect excuse whenever i want to sin-eat -- is from nora roberts: "how can one live without french fries? not well, i say. in fact, i've been known to say a day without fries is like a day without orgasm." yea!

Coffee Fairy v1 said...

interesting words indeed to ponder about...
by the way, i added your blog in my blog links. =)

Kay said...

There's really no such thing as WWoW...

Its all about fate...if its your time to get married with whom then it shall be no matter how you try to avoid it(fate)...

You can run but you cant hide..
words of wisdom from sassylady..hee

Cavalock said...

sassylady: that sounds more like a threat! hah