Monday, May 22, 2006

The Great Egg Mystery

Whew...what a week. Time to write something good and happy I guess cos work has been crap and I sure as hell, can't talk about that. Well, it's not all bad. Went out for drinks on Wednesday nite at Wala Wala (missed CSI cos of that!) and Wine Bar on Friday nite.

Here's a little mystery. Was packing all me old stuff at me folks' place and found this.

Two stone eggs which I have absolutely no idea how or where I got them. That's a real chicken egg on the right. I just placed it there for size comparison. Now the green egg is made of some kinda jade-like material. It's obviously not jade. And the brownish one has a textured surfaec with some kinda petal markings on it. They are both pretty heavy too. No one in the family knows how I got them. Me mom said they could be from me late aunt. But I don't remember a thing. I also found some really cool stuff that I thought were gone forever such as me old Playmobil and Airfix toys.

Before I forget, two down and four to go!


Kay said...

All work and no play cant really add up to the stress...

Gd for u had a drinking session, let some steam off, btw CSI on 5 is on Tues rite, but Wed, is only on cable...

Who knows those egg would be priceless and no harm in keeping them for awhile..

Anonymous said...

gee! playmobil? now that sounds really ancient... ;p

but hutch's got a chest-ful of them, which he labels, "those were the days"... ;O

imp said...

slouch in your couch for CSI Supreme SUnday 9pm - 12midnight!!!

the green egg looks like jadeite to me... can use as paperweight.

Cavalock said...

Sassy lady: Yah, it’s the Wed nite CSI on cable.

Angie Bern: Whoa, Hutch has Playmobil too. There goes a man with good taste.

Imp: I thought it could be a paper weight but being egg-shaped, it tends to keep rolling off a table….so maybe its not. Damn, I was actually hoping one of them could be the Philosopher’s Stone.

Coffee Fairy v1 said...

Nice eggs. Maybe they are lucky charms...goodluck! ;o)