My favourite NY photo of them all is this little deli across the street. Every morning I would make a dash across to grab breakfast back to my room. Have it while watching the morning talk shows, then bout 10am plus, after rush hour, I would take the subway out to see the rest of the city. I think it was a Greek deli as in it served Mediterranean food during lunch. First time I had Mediterranean food, I liked it. Can’t find anything like that since then.

I also remembered I had hot cider at Starbucks in Greenwich Village. Hmmmm hot cider … something you unfortunately can’t ever find here too. Why can't we have HOT CIDER here?!?!? Meatballs and spaghetti where the meatballs are the size of tennis balls, now that’s another thing you won’t get here.

Springtime in the one and only Central Park!

Hey there...
thanks for passing by...
yes i'm back in hometown...
not the same..
my heart belongs elsewhere but that elsewhere is not welcoming me...
ironic hunh?
have a nice one...
i always enjoy seeing pics of new york! next time i go home, i'll collect some of my pics and show them to you! i've got a favourite of a bench in central park. :-)
aviana: follow yr heart...
itsy: can't wait to see yr NY pix!
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