Sunday, February 22, 2015

Cavalock and The Rilakkuma Request

We managed to get these Rilakkuma cookie orders out of our tiny apartment kitchen just before the Chinese New Year and we heard all the kids and adults at the party loved them! The original plan to just have one cookie in a bag but we thought it was a little too small and unflattering to have only piece, so we decided to go with two in a bag.

Like I said earlier, it was a very quiet Chinese New Year long weekend for me. Hardly any visiting to do but did meet up with a few of the guys for a couple of boardgames. Also tried to continue where I left off on some unfinished stories. My 82-year-old Dad dropped by with some of his latest wildlife pix from all around the island. So far, this year he must have snapped over 5,000 shots cos he gets bout an average of 1,000 a week.

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