MAGGOTS?!? Hah, apparently a colleague's friend had lunch from the economy rice stall and maggots came spewing out of his mouth. Well, whenever I'm there, I always had the prawn noodles or indian rice, so I wasn't that concerned but apparently the whole office has stopped patronizing the entire coffee shop.
Yah, I know it's sad but I think that's the most interesting food story I got for the week. :P
Oh yah, was at Isetan this weekend and there wasn't any Japanese fair on but a European food fair instead. Saw some pork knuckles and 'crackling' pork on sale and bought them. Not as salty as our local Chinese crispy pork.
Time for a little flashback. Found my old fencing school homepage and saw these pix of me, was like exactly 10 years ago, I think. These pix are as clear as they come.

lol which one of them is you? I had many friends in fencing too back then.
nah, think its more fun if folks guess. <^;^>
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