Now I must have written half a dozen posts bout how much I really like Japanese tea in a can. Like them better if it comes out of a damn machine in Tokyo. Lots here in Meidi-Ya, for only S$2 a can. And there are chicken wings too. They got soy, sea-salt, garlic shoyu and buncha other flavours. Go knock yourself out.
So in my last post I mentioned bout one of my stories got picked up in an e-book fantasy/horror anthology. I just wanna say 'thank you' if you bought a copy of it, you all know who you are. Strange and cool thing is I got another email from another publisher saying how much that person liked the same story and also wanted to publish it. Unfortunately they couldn't cos it was already picked up the first publisher. I guess it's one them good news, bad news situation. Good news they loved it, bad news they can't print it. Hah!
By the way, as I'm writing this, I'm watching The Hateful Eight on me iPad. Great show.