Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cavalock and The Okinawan Two-Pronged Maneuver

Here's a joint that's been around for years but I have never stepped into until couple weeks ago. It's the Nirai Kanai Okinawan Restaurants in Tanglin Shopping Centre and Liang Court. Yup, I hit both places in two weeks so that ought to tell you how much I enjoyed it.

The one in Liang Court is kinda small, bout half the size of the Tanglin one I reckon. One thing you gotta know is that the Tanglin joint doesn't serve set meals for dinner like in Liang Court so just watch out for that, plus they don't have a couple other items on the menu like kurobuta or black pig pork. Thankfully their simmering pork belly is readily available at both venues.

Here are some of the a la carte dishes we had. All very tasty and the portions were just nice for our party of four. The Tanglin place filled up real fast on a Saturday nite with mostly Japanese patrons.

Alright, enough of the food porn. It's that time of the year where we drop in our favorite wash pole patriot.

After taking this first pix a few weeks ago, it looked like someone must have complained to the authorities bout it. Today after years or even decades, it's draped against the wall like the others. BUT I bet on some days you'll still see laundry all over it!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Cavalock and The Mars Muffin Combination

Back to your regularly scheduled posts and my neverending quest to be a freeloading food blogger.

After a long hiatus, we'll start with something small and sweet. I heard bout them sometime back but finally found them here at, where else but Meidi-Ya, Liang Court. Introducing the Mars Muffin!

I'm not a big Mars fan. Whenever I think of Mars bars, I think of my army dayz. That's when you'll see me grabbing and munching on either a Mars or Snickers bar in the afternoon. I really needed the sugar rush I guess. After leaving the army, I don't think I have touched another Mars bar since, well, I think I did have some of them little mini-ones now and then. <^;^>

Anyway, I didn't get the Mars Muffin, not into muffins and not into Mars (anymore) so there you go. But it does sound pretty yummy. Like it says on the wrapper, only 356 calories (like I know what's the recommended limit!) and there's soft caramel filling!

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Cavalock and The World's Greatest Mom

I want to thank everyone for their prayers and thoughts for my mom over the last year when she was first diagnosed with leukemia.

Despite all the pain she went through the last year, she kept her sense of humor, always smiling and never complained about anything right till the end. She was the bravest and strongest mom ever and she always put everyone else first before her, especially me. I was fortunate to be right at her bedside when she breathed her last. We were also lucky that we had the time to say everything we wanted to say to each other and I could stop working for a year plus to be with her, I guess not many people were as lucky as I had been.

Right now I can so totally relate to Anakin Skywalker and Doctor Doom, when their moms died and how they flew into this murderous rage. If you ask me would I commit genocide and kill off an entire population of innocent men, women and children just so my mom would be back alive and healthy. In a heartbeat. Well, that's geek part of me talking...

Young Liz and Audrey Heburn aint got nothing on my mom!

My mom put the 'gal' in 'frugal', that's for sure. She strongly believed in saving at an early age. She stopped working when I was in primary school to be a housewife. She never spent a cent on luxury stuff, saved every dime she made and hardly ate out. Although she did say to me not long ago to eat whatever I wanted and never be stingy about food. She was a housewife and a fantastic cook, best damn steak and spaghetti and meatballs ever, made this unbelievable tomato sauce from scratch. I'm just bummed that I never got the recipes.

Back to the frugal part, it's cos of her that I firmly believe that if you started saving as a kid, you can afford to buy your own apartments without a mortgage or a loan, I seen it myself. She never believed in loans or mortgages. Being in debt was a fate worse than death.

Well, I'm eternally grateful and blessed to have her as my mom. It's all becos of her that I can do the things I wanna do and not worry about money. Worked in creative jobs I enjoyed even though the pay and hours sucked. I got a whole bunch of cool memories and stories to share maybe one day. I loved her so much.