Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cavalock and The Cup Noodle Election

Well, really how could I NOT put 'election' in the title? It's time to vote for your favorite Nissin cup noodle! It's Nissin's Cup Noodle 40th Anniversary and if you check in their website, you'll see over 70 different flavors of cup noodles over the years. There are some really wacky flavors in there, like Cheese & Garlic, Bacon and Pizza & Margherita (I have no idea how that tastes like).

The only time that I remember wolfing down cups of noodles was when I was working on a ton of late nite projects at an agency in Suntec City. So dinner would be from Carrefour and that would consist of a cup of noodles and a can of sardines or mackerels.

Geez, we never get to see of the crazy flavors here. There's even a limited edition skeleton one. Nah, it's not all bones in the cup, it's just a see-through cup. This Japan Trends site has more details like how the top three cups would be brought to the shelves.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cavalock and The Confectionery Causeway

Here's another reason for me to visit Takashimaya these days! There's a new food or rather confectionary zone at Basement Two that's home to about seven confectionaries from Japan.

I remember some of them when I was in Japan. I definitely recall seeing the rotating 'tubes' from Juchheim. Didn't buy it back then cos I was already out of luggage space whenever I see it. But here they are now so of cos, I grabbed one Mine was the smallest and it's a little bigger than a CD-ROM for S$14.90.

Was pleasantly nice and reminded me of Polar's sweet rolls except less sweet and a tad denser. Some might find it a little too dry but I think having it with coffee or tea would be perfect.

Making or baking it looks like a pretty tedious process. You see the baker guy doing it layer by layer kinda like our local kuah lapis.

And yah, I will be posting more Made-In-Japan stuff in the coming weeks. I may not be heading there anytime soon but I hope what little I do here would help their economy.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cavalock and The Uniqlo Collaboration

Whenever I'm back in Tokyo, there's one shop that I sure as hell would sure to visit and spend like an entire day there. That's Tokyu Hands and they'll be opening a store right here real soon. When I heard that, I immediately signed up as a store clerk and here's my uniform!

Nah, I'm just yanking yer chain!

Tokyu Hands ain't opening a chain here. Got the t-shirt at Uniqlo last week, it's from their Corporate Collaboration line of t-shirts, where they jointly come up with a bunch of t-shirts with logos of major Japanese and foreign companies. The other t-shirt I got on the right is one with Fuji Soba.

Managed to hit a couple of new joints this and last week too. Finally found myself at Smiths Authentic Fish and Chips at Tanjong Katong on a hot Sunday afternoon. Heard good things bout their cod but decided to go for the dory (S$10) instead. Now I wasn't exactly being cheap but S$17 for the cod does sound kinda steep.

Anyway, the dory was nicely done, fresh and not too oily plus the batter was crisp and light. The side order of mushy peas was good and not too mushy.

Next up was dinner at Freshness Burger at The Central along River Valley. Had the Bacon Omelet Burger meal, yah I know bacon and omelet for dinner does sound kinda weird.

Now if you are looking for a big juicy meaty burger then this ain't it. It was heavy on the lettuce and very light on the egg and bacon. Normally I would complain but it tasted rather yummy, cos of the sauce in it I think. As you can see, the side order of Freshness Salad is huge and I guess that's what kept me from going hungry that night. They got a Spam Burger on the menu, now that's next on my list!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cavalock and The Carrefour Curiousity

A couple of months away from Carrefour and look at what they got! Never thought I'll be seeing this. Frozen macaroons, and I think they are Carrefour house brand, from France too. Nope, didn't buy them. For S$14 nah, I'll pass although they do look pretty good.

Next up, wine ice-cream or ice-cream wine, there's merlot, port, etc. Anyway, was very tempted to pick up a tub until I saw the manufacture date, they were like made back in 2009 and 2010. I mean, is that normal? Sure seems like a really long time to be on the shelf. Hey, I know there's wine in them but come on...:P

Yah, they take the alcohol content very seriously here. Remember now, you can get busted for buying ice-cream at Carrefour.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Cavalock and The Pasta Sauce Quest

Now where does the time go? It's April and Top Chef All-Stars is over and Top Chef Masters has just started. Me and the guys, my gaming buddies and partners in all things nerdy, have our own little forum page and we were listing all the weekly TV shows that we follow or rather download to be exact. Mine was like, over a dozen. Looking forward to the new season of Doctor Who and the TV debut of Game of Thrones.

Time for a long overdue supermarket update. A couple of cool goodies spotted at Meidi-ya. Tubs of Haagen-Dazs smoothies. I don't think I have seen them anywhere else. Well, I ain't a smoothie fan so I don't think I'll be picking them up.

Next up is some chocolate cookie dough. It says Limited Edition on the pack so I guess that means something special, non?

Well, I'm still keeping myself busy in the kitchen. Experimenting on some pasta sauces. My problem is I'm always cooking for one and I can't make 'normal' portions which are usually for two or more, know what I mean?

Anyway it's kinda fun trying to come up with your own unique sauces. Some of the ingredients I pick up from food magazines I downloaded, others from TV shows etc. Mix them up and see what happens. :P

I try to make my own tomato paste instead of getting them from a can. Takes more than an hour if you count the prep work. Yah 'prep work', that's another thing I picked up from watching Top Chef. Hah!

Did a couple of different sauces over the week. Not bad, could be a little thicker. I like to use penne pasta cos of the way it's shaped you can get your sauce or ingredients like minced meat into it. It's better that way.