Thursday, June 21, 2007

"Really nice butts"

This is too good to pass up. Continuing the last post on conversations with expats. Here's a gem that I had recently.

White boy: I can't believe the Asian women here have really great asses. Asian women in New York have no butts. But the women here have really nice butts.

Me: Er ... ok, I'm more of a 'face' person actually.

Sorry folks, no photos to go with that one.

So what else did I do today? Well, I played this freakin' music video at least 20 times on YouTube. No shit. The unofficial music video to the latest Die Hard movie. I'm a huge action movie fan especially Die Hard, Bond, Lethal Weapon and Indy. Yah, I did mention it before.
Just listen to the lyrics, the chorus, geez, if you got a husband, boyfriend, brother or anyone who loves the Die Hard movies, just show him the video, it'll sure to be a grin on his face.

Best motherfuckin' music video for the month! Yippee-ki-yay die hard mother fuckers!


  1. Anonymous6:43 am


  2. I like how you start the post with an expat discussing nice asses and end with enthusiasm for Die Hard, "yippee-ki-yay die hard mother fuckers!" :)

  3. Anonymous7:40 pm

    cavachan too busy to blog?? :(

  4. niki: heh...coming up!
