Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cavalock and The Quest for Soupe de Poissons

Just like in Italy, it was so much food but so little time. Throughout the trip, dinner was always about 7pm, before 8pm at least. I was told this was pretty early by local standards but that also meant we'll always get a table.

Here's what we had for dinner near our hotel. A nice and fresh seafood meal at a little roadside restaurant, sorry but once again I forgot the name. Yah, I really suck at remembering foreign names and places.

Now when I was in Cannes, Nice a lifetime ago, almost all the joints I been to had fish soup or soupe de poissons on the menu. It was the best thing I had there back then. So when I finally returned to France, I figured I must at least try a fish soup dish and see if the whole experience could be replicated.

Well, the one I had that night was definitely tasty with lotsa seafood flavors coming right at you, but I think after the tuscan soup I had in Florence, the Italian dish is now my new all-time favorite European soup.

Everything else we had was great. Fresh oysters, hot delicious mussels and a rather simple yet gratifying salmon meal.

A bunch of random food pix and other kinda pix too as I made my way across Paris. Hope you like them! Do leave a tick or comment below! <^;^>

Unlike Italy, it was awfully cloudy on most days in Paris 

Awwww.... these just look too cute to eat
Of course I had to drop by an Apple store unfortunately I didn't get anything for myself 
This here is a pretty famous escagot place that wasn't open for lunch yet when we were there
Game for almost €12 each, I thought that's kinda expensive
Now you can't be in Paris and not try some Vietnamese food, rite?
I kinda like the narrow European streets, don't ask me why
Great festive mood along the Champs-Elysees with rows of stalls selling holiday stuff
Ah, those crazy Frenchies, they just luv to hang stuff everywhere


  1. I thought you went alone? :P

  2. Oh no, I don't think I said I was there by myself. I was on my own during my first trip there ages ago. ;)

  3. Awww.... with your love? :D

  4. Chinese lady I met in a KTV....sshhh...

