Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cavalock Sees More See's

Well, look what else I found in my fridge! <^;^> Very sweet caramel wrapped round soft chewy tuffy. Can't go wrong with that.

Found myself back at Seafood Paradise along Defu Lane for dinner last nite. The herbal drunken prawns stole the limelight this time (think there's like 20 in there), the herbal soup was the best ever, and of cos I need my buttery crabs as usual.

Lots of fried buns (mantou) to dip in the ocean of butter sauce. Well, we had other stuff too like pork ribs and tofu with mushrooms, all pretty good but no pix cos hands were too busy peeling the prawns. What I took are pix of the first and last dishes. Hah!


  1. I see SEE'S! Crabs look delicious, but it's too far for me.

  2. noodlegirl: yup, the food was great! <^;^>

    ice: now you see it, now you don't! thats how its gonna be with the candy!
