Saturday, November 08, 2008

'My Christmas shopping early'

Decided to do my bit to pick up the economy by doing my Christmas shopping early last nite.

Got it at Tangs for S$699 and it's not for me. It was on offer and I was afraid if I don't get it now, the price would go back up again. Wanted to ask them to gift wrap it but figured naaahhh. 

Now believe me, it ain't no joke lugging it on a Friday nite all by myself through the train station! Damn, I feel old, haven't been to Orchard Road on a Friday nite for ages, it's so crowded! And no, I won't be adding this to my budget listings, something like this would blow half my entire budget for the month. 

So it's a Saturday morning now and I'm home alone watching a Frasier rerun on cable as I'm typing this. Will be catching Ave Q tonite. See wat pix I have later. 

Oh yah, managed to finally catch the first episode of award-winning TV series Mad Men earlier this week. Hmmm...what can I say, it may not be the 1960s when I joined the industry here, but yah, I have seen and committed my fair share of 'stuff', especially my Four Rules to Life

Also caught the 11-episode Anime series on Animax cable, Ayakashi - Samurai Horror Tales, which is a collection of three classic Japanese horror/supernatural stories.  


  1. u lugged that weight through crowds and the trains?! well done you!!! that's an entire set of exercises man.

  2. well, while walking towards Tangs, i saw the jam heading down Orchard Road and the long cab Qs, so I figured its better to just take the train. Wasn't that bad, train came almost immediately n it wasn't very packed.

  3. My mom has been eyeing that model for ages now. Maybe I should get it for her for Christmas too. I saw it on sale at Isetan today, but it totally slipped my mind until I read this post...

  4. Isetan has it too?!? please don;t tell me its cheaper than S$699!

  5. I didn't really pay attention to the price, but it WAS flying off the shelves :)
