Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Cavalock and The Home Tourist Incongruity

So me and the guys decided to do the local tourist thing and ended up in Changi Point for an hour-long morning walk along the coast. Fortunately the weather was on our side, sunny and breezy just the way we like it. It was a good walk, more like a lazy stroll actually. Took our time to breathe in the fresh air, snap some pictures, one of the guys even shot a little go-pro movie of our morning. 

That's the thing, I can get behind all this local tourist nature trips but what I don't get are staycations. I don't get the appeal of it especially if you already have your own apartment. Me and the Baker-at-Home did the staycation thingy back when we were young (and restless) and didn't have our own place yet. But after we moved in, a staycation is the last thing on our minds. Pay a little more and you can probably turn that staycation into a proper vacation. Alright, I guess if you have kids a staycation is something they would enjoy. Cos I remember after me and my folks moved out of the old family home, this was when I was still in primary school, I would look forward to the rare weekends when I would or could stay over with my aunts and uncles, and wake up in my old room. 

Anyway in these coming Endtimes, I'm also not sure if it's prudent to spend on something like a staycation in the first place. Now, free nature walks around the island, that's something I wholeheartedly support.

Spotted this at Isetan supermarket. Really? Can anyone tell the difference between Espresso ice-cream, coffee ice-cream and now cold brew coffee ice-cream? 

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