Monday, November 18, 2019

Cavalock and The Home Reno Blues

Spotted this at Meidi-Ya Liang Court supermarket a couple days back. The Blue Bottle coffee joint at Shinjuku is a familiar hangout place whenever we are Tokyo. Yah, that's pretty pricey for a little can of cold brewed coffee. And that's why we can't buy one. Hah!

Been a crazy past week as the Baker-at-Home and me start our massive 'tiny apartment' renovations. No proper toilet facilities, the kitchen is a complete no-go zone and the little study room is now a giant storeroom hence the lack of blogging or online presence. As I'm typing this, I'm trying to catch up on whole buncha online stuff. And we also got many weeks of huddling together in a tiny bedroom to look forward to.

Another spanner-in-the-works this renovation threw at us is our breakfasts are all kinda messed up. For better or worse, it's gonna be kopi tiam prata, carrot cake, kaya toast, well, you get the idea. Since the entire kitchen (including the fridge) is out-of-bounds, we can't prepare our own breakfast so no more overnight oats or toasted sandwiches for at least a month. I should definitely be hitting the gym three times a week now. We can't stay home cos of all the dust and noise so hey, if anyone wants to meet up, let me know.


  1. Make use of that gym membership! Or just go there and shower and chill out.

  2. Yah, was offline for awhile and was just catching up reading your posts too!
