Friday, January 19, 2018

Cavalock and The Cold Snap Spell

That cold snap's over and it was fun while it lasted. For the Baker-at-Home and me, it was the perfect excuse to make a beeline for Imperial Treasure Steamboat at Great World City. Not the cheapest meal around but it was definitely satisfying.

And with the temperature dropping, there weren't any birds out for my 84-year-old Dad to shoot either so we spent most of our time indoors. But he did managed to stake out (middle-of-freakin'-nowhere) Seletar open fields and shot this little fella round the end of December.

This is another one of those things I never thought I would doing a decade ago and that's carrying a tote bag. Back then this was pretty much one of the most gay things a straight guy would be caught lugging but these days that's how I transport my board games and miniatures around. They are the right fit for most of the game boxes. Just can't resist any Star Wars or Snoopy ones especially if they are all from Japan like the ones I got.


  1. Many people carry this sort of cool tote bags to the gym too! #justsaying

  2. Yup, that would be me on days when I’m meeting the guys for lunch games after gym. :)
