Friday, December 30, 2016

Cavalock and The Unexpected Year In Writing

Happy Holidays! 

Another new year coming up and it's another restock of New Year Japanese Beer at Meidi-Ya. Yup, it's the same as last year so I'm betting it's good enough to warrant a restock.

This has been a rather extraordinary year for writing. In February, I was most fortunate to receive not one but two overseas letters of acceptance for one of my short horror stories. Yes, I had to turn down one of the offers. Then in May, I got an email from publisher Marshall Cavendish wanting to do a photo book featuring me Dad's wildlife pictures. And just when I thought that's it for the year, along came a royalty cheque and an email from a different publisher interested in another of my pieces. Extremely grateful for this unexpected turn in my writing endeavours. I can only hope for such opportunities next year.


  1. To more opportunities in 2017 then! Have a good one, M!

  2. Oh wow! Thanks imp! You have a great one too! :)
