Friday, October 09, 2015

Cavalock and The Poppy Seed Incursion

Besides chewing gum and pirated CDs, we can now add another to the list of illegal items to smuggle from Tijuana Johor Bahru. Poppy Seed Bagels!!! Yes, you can now purchase these contraband pastries from Lavender bakery over at City Square JB. It's a chance for strait-laced Singaporeans to travel across the border and get high legally. This is a popular mall that's just across the border and often filled with Singaporeans. I had to see who are the Singaporeans who would actually deal in such illegal substances so I hung back and observed for several minutes. Within seconds, I saw an elderly hippie liberal left-wing couple purchase them! Poppy seeds are banned in our fine city for a good reason and I hope everyone is knowledgeable on the evil effects of this gateway drug, yes, let's not kid ourselves as we all know the dire consequences of just one bite! First you lose your inhibitions, leading to disorderly behaviour, then casual sex, unwanted pregnancies, inability to purchase a HDB flat etc. It's a slippery slope to lower income hell.

Now if you are wondering if I bought any, of cos not! As a law abiding citizen, I would never dream of breaking of any laws. Please don't narc me out!!! In other news, you also don't have to travel as far as Penang for their famous roadside Teochew Chendul as they are now at City Mall too. Had their Penang assam laksa, rojak and their popular chendol, all extremely cheap and good.

And now this. Just when you thought you have seen all kinds of instant 3-in-1 coffees, there's now in Malaysia a 5-in-1 with a goat's head on it. I'll leave you to guess what the five ingredients really are.


  1. LOL. poppy seeds. you're hilarious lah.

    5-in-1 kopi?? Seriously?! That sounds...dubious...

  2. None other than coffee arabica, creamer, dextrose, cocoa powder and (drumroll please) goat milk powder! Says so on the back of the pack.

  3. Okay i'll pass on the 5-in-1. Oof.
