Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Cavalock and The Tsukiji Neighborhood Mystery

After more than half a dozen trips to Tokyo, I finally found my way to the famous Tsukiji Fish Market for breakfast. It was quite an exceptional day as the sky was as bright and clear as can be but the temperature was a dismal single digit low, accompanied by a chilling breeze every few minutes. Grabbed the train just before their infamous morning rush hour and got there at bout 8am. All the fishies have already been traded away which was fine as we weren't there for that. Way we figured, there really is no need to get into a long queue at any of the Tsukiji sushi joints cos they are all good! Just step into the one with the shortest (or no) line. That's what we did and ain't no way you gonna tell me that what I had below wasn't good. Definitely one of my most memorable breakfasts ever.

Like I said, the weather was great and that really brought out the hungry crowds, tourists as well as locals. A wonderful way to start the day, however the best was yet to come and it was just around the corner.

Now we thought that's it for our Tsukiji visit but after crossing the road, we spotted a row of crowded little eateries fronting a nearby neighbourhood block. We were pleasantly surprised after crossing back for a closer look. From bowls of pipping hot ramen to giant pots of beef stew to skewers of delicious oden, it was another feast for the senses. I thought I was already stuffed but boy, was I wrong...

I still don't know exactly what that area or neighbourhood is officially called. You really can't miss it. It's a traditional market place not unlike the more popular Tsukiji market next door. Usual narrow streets and alleyways filled with numerous local food stuff but with much less prying tourists and also with plenty of non-food curios on sale. A truly unexpected hidden gem.

I thought these were cookie cutters but they are not. They are for your bento rice cut-outs although I'm sure you can use them as cookie cutters if you like. And what is probably my favorite Christmas tree of all time. I give you the one and only Toilet Brush Christmas Tree.

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