Friday, May 03, 2013

Cavalock and The Bukit Panjang Stakeout

Whenever I see a string of pearls, the first thing that crosses my mind is Batman Year One! Well, you gotta be a comic book fan to get it. Anyway, here's why I'm talking bout pearls. Been awhile since I posted some of the vintage/retro stuff in the old family home. These were in a cupboard back in the family home and as usual, I have no idea if they are valuable or not and I reckon they are at least 40 to 50 years old. There's a necklace and a little bracelet. Always thought pearls were real classy but I sure don't recall seeing a lot of women today wearing them. Maybe they'll be back in fashion when the movie The Great Gatsby hits the big screen?

My 79-year old Dad has been busy staking out Bukit Panjang recently and has taken a ton of bird pix especially of this little bird hole nest. My last post was of that sunbird building the nest, well, here's another bird feeding two little ones.

You can actually see the two nestlings growing (feathers), fighting for food, cleaning up in my Dad's collection. I think the next few pix are quite neat as you can see one of them getting fed.

Oh, here's another resident of Bukit Panjang that my Dad spotted that day. He's at least a meter long, enjoys long swims and according to my Dad, has relatives all over the island like in Ghim Moh and Chinese Gardens. Gimme a tick in the box below or leave a comment if you like the pix! <^;^>


  1. Anonymous3:19 am

    my aunties always wore pearls with their chongsams. Photos amazing!

  2. Oh wow, it's really a lost fashion thing now. Thanks for liking the pix!

  3. actually, a lot of girls wear pearls. it's like a fashion statement amongst the young lawyers i know. i see at least one female lawyer wearing them everytime i go to the courts.

  4. Hah! That's real interesting. I guess the younger ones are influenced by shows like Mad Men set in the 60s?
