Monday, April 01, 2013

Cavalock and The Bukkake Experience

I did thought of opening this post with an April Fool's joke but I think telling the truth in this case would be a bigger eye-opener. Yup, I had my first bukkake experience for real. Bukkake udon, to be exact. And if you don't know what 'bukkake' means in Japanese or rather Japanese porn, Wiki it and nope, I ain't providing the link here. (Plus if you read my last post on how collagen helps keeps your skin smooth, then you'll just being sick if you think there's a connection!)

Anyway it's at Tamoya, the new udon restaurant tucked away at the back of Liang Court ground floor. It's got a different concept too. A self-service set-up not unlike the ol' army days cookhouse or today's Ikea cafeteria where you move your tray down the line, collect your udon, pick your tempura and pay your bill.

As you can see from the menu, there are several kinds of udon to choose from. I picked the regular bukkake udon for S$4.80. I like the texture and the soup or broth. Only regret was how small the portion was. Great for kids but I'm going for the large bowl next time and maybe the pork bukkake too. It's about the average price for a Japanese meal. All that you see above with the 4 sticks of tempura is S$12.30. If you like Japanese food, it's definitely worth a try.

After that, look what I found at Meidi-ya supermarket down in the basement. At S$7.20, it's the most expensive 250ml can of Japanese beer on the shelves. I kinda like the Harley Quinn design.

Thought I'll share something I remembered sometime back. There's been a whole lotta debate bout foreigners coming here recently. About three or four years ago, I met one of them, a really nice professional lady who works in a bank. She told us how she got her PR status (not long after she met us) and part of it included her telling the local interviewers how much she loves kids and can't wait to have lots of them right here. Although she assured us that she had absolutely no intention of having any kids at all. She only said that cos she knows how desperate we are with wanting more babies here.

Of cos back then when she told us, everyone at the table had a good laugh, and I'll sure there were a ton of other factors that got her in but I bet the promise to breed for our nation played a major part in the decision making.

So what's my take today? I think our country's decision making process is in need of a major overhaul. But who knows, maybe she did decide to have kids now and everything worked out great. I guess I know better then to write something online that's gonna come back and bite me in the ass.


  1. i cannot agree more tt this whole "we need more babies for the economy" policy need a major overhaul. putting aside our low birthrate, i still cannot understand why we need to increase our birth rate. it's not we're a socialist welfare state that requires a lot of working taxpapers to sustain.

  2. Exactly, it's like there is a constant need to increase the population regardless of how everyone feels. And the 'happy family' propaganda is killing me! Tell the truth bout what's it like to raise a family and also admit that you screwed up with the 'Stop at Two' campaign.
