Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Cavalock and The Lego iPhone Fixation

If anyone ever asks me when I'm gonna get the new iPhone 5, I can honestly say "never" cos until I find me a Lego iPhone 5 case, I ain't ever gonna change my phone. I am just having too much fun (and attention) strapping various Lego figures to my iPhone. Check out the latest one that my friend gave me! Just in time for Halloween?

Like I said, I prefer the ones that come without any accessories so when I carry my iPhone around, there's no chance of any small bits dropping off. Yup, that's a Moleskin Lego notebook, with a brick attached to it so you can stick your favorite figure to it.

Speaking of Apple stuff, I decided to get the iPad mini for my Dad so he can view his wildlife pix. Ordered it online from the Apple store and strange thing is, they delivered the cover like, 2 weeks before they are gonna send me the iPad mini itself. Hmmmm ... I'm already thinking of weird things to do with cover ...

Anyway, my Dad showed up and figured I'll just post a couple of his new shots. Click one of the tabs below if you find them interesting!


  1. Maybe you could try finding your elusive Lego iphone5 case at the newly opened Legoland. ^.^

  2. Hey! Check them out!

  3. Lol! Thanks but the silicone ones aren't the right size, the pegs are way too big. ;)
