Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Cavalock and The Magnum Manifestation

At this rate I'm going, it'll be one food post a day. Hah, still on the topic of sweet Italian munchies. Snapped these all over Rome and Tuscany, I didn't have a chance to try all of them so I don't know which is sweet or savory. Now this is just the ones from Italy, I ain't gotten to the ones from Paris yet! ;)

Then a quick pop into an Italian supermart. Saw these that I have yet to find in our local marts. But really, in a land filled with wonderful gelato, would anyone still want this?

Now for something not exactly food related but I thought these were kinda amusing. Long shopping Qs and you thought they only happen around this part of the world.

The folks below were Q-ing for limited edition action figures. Not! It's a place where you get to meet a lot of nasty, rude people from China. They may be young and rich but I think we all know how they or their folks got their $$$.

Remember how we got young people Q-ing at H&M? In Paris, we got lotsa little old French ladies Q-ing outside Marks and Spencer under dark clouds and single-digit temp! Eat that, local teens! I bet none of our hipsters can stand in the cold like these aunties!

OK, I'm not sure what they were lining up for but I did notice some of them left carrying bags of food items, not knickers. :P


  1. I want! There is never anything as too much ice cream!

    Geez and I thought only us Singaporeans (Hong Kongers too) love to queue. So the ang mohs queue for food too! Cheap food haha.

  2. There were lotsa queues in the Nespresso shop too!
