Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cavalock and The Homemade Ice Cream Surpise

Just wanna say a big 'Thank You' to the local food blogger who made this beautiful tub of white chocolate ice cream. Got it through a third party, it's creamy yummy!

I way prefer white choc than dark choc so I was extremely delighted to receive this. I have never met this or any other local food blogger before, still haven't. I hope the person enjoys the latest three episodes of Top Chef: Just Desserts Season 2, that I passed over in a thumbdrive. <^;^>


  1. Who is this wonderful food blogger? Can he/she make this ice cream for me too? Looks yums!

  2. Hah, I'm afraid I don't know the blogger personally or directly so don't think its right for me to say who the person is. ;)

  3. haha I know who this "local food blogger" is already. She is my contact on flickr from long ago. Just saw her new jasmine & olive oil vanilla macs on her flickr stream. She is a baker cum blogger. :-)

  4. Well, the one who did the ice cream n the one who did the maracons are two different bloggers. ;)

  5. Hmph. Why do you get all the luck? Any lobang? :-)
