Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cavalock and The Bank Run Recurrence

Every couple of months, I'll spend a Saturday morning running around the various banks in the CBD with my errands. First stop was breakfast and this time, decided to go for Coffee Club instead of Coffee Bean. Well, Club's breakfast menu looked pretty good and reasonably priced. Had the mushroom bruschetta set which if you look at the pix, it's exactly that. Cheesy mushroom on toast for only S$6.80, can't really go wrong with that so I'm satisfied.

Anyway I thought it's kinda strange that a coffee joint here doesn't have flat white. Settled for the regular coffee that came with the set instead.

Well, was at Takashimaya in the afternoon and I bet, by the end of the year, the Nespresso coffee machine is gonna be the like the new iPhone. As in almost every other household is gonna have one. Cos they were selling them like crazy at Takashimaya, the machines were all wrapped up and all over the counter. Yah I know it's the Great Singapore Sake but wow, almost everyone's getting one.

Speaking of the Sale, I always say the best thing to buy during the Sale is furniture! Bought most of mine like six years ago, lotsa savings. <^;^>

Gonna end on a cautionary public service note here. Be real careful bout hooking up with people you meet on the Internet. Just found out that an ex-colleague who met her future husband on the Internet, got married and migrated to his country a few years ago. About a week ago when she's like 8 1/2 months pregnant, he punched her in the face. I'm not gonna go into details but really, what else is there to say?


  1. What a jerk!

    How come you got a discount card...

  2. oh dear poor thing...
    may i know how much a nespresso machine costs?

  3. Oh I don't mean discount for Nespresso.

  4. stargirl: i think the price range starts from bout $350, capsules are bout $10 or $11 for a tube of 10.

    ice: er...cos i'm a smooth-talkin', slick, wily operator? hah, i know wat u r referring to. well, actually its not exactly a discount card, just a plastic 'privilege' card. i guess so its up to them wat kinda offer or discount they wanna give at that time.

  5. er.. wife puncher is in the blood maybe. but some wives choose to stay. i had a teacher staff who was bruised constantly/bloodied on the lips, etc.
    i gave up on her cause because she loved the cycle. she craved for the sympathy and attention, and it sapped me too much.
    that is not to say everyone is like that of course.

  6. well, from wat i can remember, my ex-colleague is pretty tough. last i heard, she plans to leave him once the baby is out.
