Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cavalock and The Budget Polarization

Ever since I gone back to religiously keeping a budget again, I have been really taking note of how much I spend on my daily meals. Started years ago on my pen and paper filofax, now it's my iPhone expenses app. Anyway, despite what some might think, I kinda like counting every meal's $. When I'm within my budget, it kinda feels good and when it's almost end of the month, and I have overshot my budget, it used to feel bad but these days, it doesn't really.

Now I usually only overspend on my food part of the budget, it's a often a single trip to a fancy joint that kills it. On those months when there's a Kinokuniya sale, that's when my 'Publication' budget goes crazy.

I also have a little section for 'Wardrobe' and it's only $25 a month! Really, I hardly spend a cent on clothes here so it snowballs every month till .... I dunno maybe till my next trip outta the country? Hah!

Wish I got some cool pix to put up this week but I been pretty busy at work. Check out my Twitter to see what I'm up to. <^;^> It's fun to a point I guess. Am also helping to maintain my office's Facebook fan page. Maybe more on that in another post.


  1. haha when i'm on a budget, i only spend what i have saved in the previous month. that encourages me to save moree (so that i get more to spend next mon th!) and helps to keep my expenses in control (:

  2. stargirl: same here! wat i saved or don't spend from the previous month would snowball to this month, so it's looks bigger! :P

  3. I find it easier to keep a weekly budget. What I saved from the previous week snowballs to the next, so it feels good. & contrary to what others might think, I keep a close tab on my eating expenses too.

  4. i thought of making it weekly too but figured not to cos most bills are monthly. :)

  5. Wow... if I started keeping tabs on my spending, either I will go crazy or my husband will. LOLOL...

    But, looking at that the bigger picture, as long as I'm debt free, I'm fine with alittle overspending now and then, here and there :)

  6. I'm debt free too! <^;^>
