Friday, September 11, 2009

Cavalock Journeys To The East

Took a ride to the east side of the island today for lunch. Now here are two things I have absolutely no knowledge of, nor have I ever even heard of them until now.

Folks who know me, will know that I have almost zero interest in Korean stuff. Nothing personal, just never cared bout their food (tried it, didn't like it), music, drama serials or culture, even their chicks, more than half of them have had face jobs done on them, what does that tell you?

Water belly-dancing?!? Is that even possible? I'm tempted to google for images but ....nah.... I like my own mental image of it. <^;^>

Got this soon kueh, Fatt Soon Kueh, at the Bedok interchange food centre for S$2 only, it'll be tomorrow's breakfast. Tried it before and it's pretty good.

The bus ride back on Bus 32 was quite an eye-opener. Bus was real close. Normally I would be like, really pissed off. But I wasn't in a rush and it's like a scenic route for me cos I all those food and bakeries along Siglap and East Coast, they all looked new to me. Was fun, made me wanna try some of them.


  1. Anonymous11:16 pm

    look really tasty!!
    whats in those soon kueh?

  2. hi niki, its mostly turnips and mushrooms, and a little of some other veggies. there's some black sweet sauce or chili to go with it too.

  3. What was lunch from the East?

  4. aston's pork chops at the kopi tiam near Fairprice, no pix! hah
