Thursday, September 03, 2009

Cavalock is Alone With G.I. Joe

Scanned the papers first thing in the morning to see if the cinemas are still screening G.I. Joe. Found a 1pm show at Great World City. Not my usual stomping ground but I'll manage. Ticket for one!

Got back home at around 4pm and started making my long-awaited French Roast Chicken bout an hour later. Here's the chicken defrosting since this morning.

Some of the ingredients, always important to get them nice and ready before you start. Didn't do that when I first started cooking/baking and made a bit of a mess of the kitchen! <^;^>

Follow the recipe and you'll get to this stage after stuffing the chicken with all those spices. The frozen chicken came without the head and feet/claws as well as a pretty clean and empty cavity (is that the right word?). So remember to get the frozen one if you are not into gutting and cleaning it yourself.

A peek into the oven. So far so good. Smells yummy too.

An hour later, and I have to admit, sometimes I even amaze myself. The chicken actually tastes great! I was afraid that if it sucked, I'll have to throw away the whole thing.

I followed the recipe pretty close, I got the grapeseed oil, the herbs, French butter etc. It's sooo easy, anyone can do it. Everything turned out alright, you got the juices from the chicken flowing all through the caramelized potatoes and the meat being so tender.


  1. Oooo... how to finish? Chicken for breakfast too?

  2. oh no, its not a regular sized-chicken. It's smaller than that.

  3. Looks good. What is the difference between French butter and regular butter?

    And how was GI Joe. I didn't get a chance to see it before leaving Canada.
