Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cavalock Checks Out His Fridge

Last week's course had us taking a test to see what kinda learner we were. I scored 41 as a visual learner, 28 as a kinaesthetic learner and 20 as an auditory learner. Over 40 indicates a particularly strong style; a score of under 20 means a weak style. And there you have it as to why I never follow verbal instructions! <^;^>

Once again, not much of an opportunity to take any cool food pix. So I took a snap of some new residents in my fridge. BTW, heard a rumor that Wasabi Teh at Far East is closing soon, any truth?

Well yah, of cos I have healthy stuff in there too. But this bunch turned out a little sour.

Was at Queenstown Library last week and noticed this. Just thought it was pretty strange to find a steamboat and wine bar right next to the local penitentiary. You can see the barbwire fences of Queenstown Prison right on the left.


  1. Good Lord! Where did you get those See's peppermint choc? Good stuff there! I'm sooooo jealous.

  2. Anonymous10:39 pm

    I have not had See's in ages......

  3. Hah, the See's choc are a gift from Hong Kong. ;)

  4. Hey, I heard the chef at Wasabi Tei sold off his business. Now there's a new management & the food isn't as "good" as before.
