Monday, December 22, 2008

'Cos that's how I roll'

What else I been up to… oh yah, best discovery of the week, Comedy 104 radio station on my itunes. If you like American stand-up comedy acts and you have itunes, you should check out the radio stations icon on your itunes, whole bunch of different genres to choose from. For my current fav station, it’s so cool, you got all your new and old stand-up acts like Cosby, Newhart, Seinfeld and uncensored acts from guys like Pryor, Chris Rock, Tim Allen, Dennis Miller etc. Freakin’ non-stop stand-up comedy all day long. No way am I getting any work done. Hah!

Anyway, it’s almost Christmas so I figured I’ll do a quick gift idea piece. Cheap, fast and with that little personal touch called ‘crap wrap’. Yah, I totally suck at wrapping gifts. I'm supposed to wrap it hamper-style with clear wrapping sheet, which I did later.

Been wrapping over a dozen of them. Most of the stuff are from Daiso so they are like, only S$2 each. Packs of candy from Japan, little metal or rattan baskets, wrapping paper, all from Daiso. Then throw in a mini bottle of booze and maybe a gashapon cos that’s how I roll, for the centrepiece. The mini bottles are all from Ikea, neat eh?

Oh, and when we have little bottles of liquor, we must have the newest Ladies Drink pix.


  1. Wow... that's a fantastic idea! I'm getting desperate for presents and I never thought of shopping at Daiso! To Daiso I go today!

  2. looking forward to some pix!

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