Tuesday, September 02, 2008

'Make cattle walk up 22 flights of stairs'

Now here’s something you don’t normally see at 8am in the morning. A full-grown cow and calf on the 11th floor of an apartment building! I’m still trying to figure out how they got the cow into the lift! I mean, no way you can make cattle walk up 22 flights of stairs.

I believe it’s for an Indian religious home ceremony or something either that or we are talking bout the freshest milk delivery service in the country.


  1. Anonymous10:29 am

    Oh man first thing that comes to mind is LOLWUT?

  2. WTF?! they made the cow walk up?! that's an achievement man.

  3. The elevator leh? Cannot fit the cow inside ah? Hahahaha...

  4. Well guys, I think somehow someone must have managed to squeeze the cow into the elevator, I wonder if the cow panicked when she (check out them big udders!) was in that tiny little space. Really, I still say there’s no way anyone could make any cow walk up and down that many stairs!

  5. my goodness! you weren't kidding!
