Friday, September 12, 2008

'I'm awesome level'

Well, was back to work on Tuesday after my birthday leave. Had an Omakasi sushi lunch at Tatsuya at Park Hotel. Figured I’ll have it before they renovate the entire building. Yah, they are gonna turn the entire ground floor area into some luxury brand shopping zone. Dunno if Tatsuya will move out or stay put.

Then it’s off to Cedele at Paragon for Mont Blanc dessert.

Been playing with my iTouch a lot too. Got up on Sunday morning and started reading the NYT in bed. Damn! They even got the NYT magazine. I try to do a Sudoko a day. Set it at the ‘I’m Awesome!’ level (second hardest), yah, that’s what it says. It’s a free software and it only generates one puzzle a day. Got over 20 free software on my iTouch now, trying out one that helps keep track of my expenses, if it works for me, I’ll probably buy the full version.

Hell, I even feel a little guilty for neglecting my DS games. So wat do I do? Charged up my DS Lite to complete my Lego Indy adventures. Yah, and just to show I’m not some soft-hearted, sentimental lily with my games, I went and sold a few games to a second-hand game shop for S$45. Am I a bad-ass or wat? ;)

Was actually hoping for another Kinokuniya book sale this weekend but no such luck. Had my eye on a couple of comic book trades and Japanese magazines.

Oh yah, I still got my Nov 8 Avenue Q tickets for sale! Let me know if anyone wants them!

Got to watching lots of TV too. Clearing as many recorded shows as I can. CSI: NY, Monk, Pushing Daisies, 30 Rock and probably a couple of others I can’t remember right now. Only show I’m waiting for cable to start is the first season of Reaper. Buffy meets Ghostbusters, you can’t really go wrong with that.


  1. We really have similar tastebuds. So jealous that you had both my favourites -- sushi and mont blanc :P

  2. Anonymous10:29 am

    Ok whatever that brown tower shit is, it looks like shit, literally, lol.

  3. m: Heard there’s Mont Blanc crepes at Cedele too but haven’t had the chance to try that yet. Have u tried it?

    Panther: hah, it’s a pretty cool dessert. If u r ever in Japan, u’ll see lots of it at the cake and dessert shops at the department store basements.

  4. Anonymous1:10 pm

    You can get Reaper on SurftheChannel if you don't want to wait until cable airs it.

  5. I'm awed. :) Hope that wasn't sushi for one. :O

  6. blue: thanks for the tip!

    ice: it wasn't for one, but even if it was, i think i can still finish it. ^;^
