Monday, August 20, 2007

"I sure wouldn't have this problem with porn"

Was going through my stuff the other day and realized that I got a whole pile of DVD sets that I bought but have yet to watch. No time, no mood etc. Geez, I sure wouldn't have this problem with porn! Hah!

Here's the bunch I got from Amazon at a discount, I forgot the price but they were a lot cheaper than buying here at a local DVD store. Animanics Vol. 1 and 2, Pinky and The Brain Vol. 1 and 2, Martha Stewart's Baking Favorites, Homemade Holidays and Favorite Cookies. Oh, you definitely can't find Martha's stuff here.

These (fortnightly) Star Trek file/folder sets I got from Japan, one of my earlier trips, it's from the bookstore Kinokuniya, can't remember if it's Tokyo or Osaka. There's a DVD in each of them, 3 random episodes from either Next Generation, Voyager or Deep Space Nine. And a lot of articles in Japanese too. Totally impulse buy cos it looked cool and I'm a sci-fi nut. I didn't even check the price, Set 1 was cheap but Sets 2 and 3 were like double the price!


  1. MY sci-fi impulse buying days are over, but ... if there is a good deal to be had ...

    The main problem I have with sci-fi (or pretty much any buy) is that they look great, but I am usually disappointed with the substance. I love Star Trek (the original series and Enterprise), but not Next Gen, DS9 or Voyager (although, Voyager got better towards the end) and it is really hard for me to resist buying some slickly packaged memorabilia or DVDs. Had to resist buying Season 2 of Dr. Who for the same reason - it was crap (although Season 3 was much better - although, Russel T. Davies still writes crappy stories)

  2. richardL hah! don't get me started, i still got that bootleg DVD of Doctor Who season 1 i got from Hong Kong, i have yet to watch!

  3. arrrgh!!! the refrain from Pinky and the Brain is going around in my mind!!! non-stop!!!

  4. Impulse buying? I have this problem with shoes, bags and dvd too.

    I have 3 sets of korean movie still waiting for me... I am so guilty now...

  5. Anonymous12:27 am

    why dont u open a DVD store :D
    kinokuniya is expensive lah!
    my fav sci-fi is bandit-Q or something, the old one.
    gotta watch these new ones!

  6. haha pinky! I used to love watching it...=)

  7. Hi all, sorry for the late replies!

    Imp: Are you pondering what I’m pondering?

    Pinkhippo: wait till u see my other impulse stuff!

    Niki: mebbe u can tell me where the cheap book stores are…

    Queen: geez, am quite surprised that girls like u n imp r actually watch Brain! ;)

  8. Anonymous9:16 pm

    'Book Off' is popular used book stores.
    but they dont have what we want lol

  9. Happy to see you got some good stuff you enjoy!!
