Monday, November 06, 2006

Return To Hong Kong

I'll be heading to Hong Kong later in the week. Its gonna be me first time back since like, before the handover to China. The last time I was there was a couple of months before the handover. It was when I was really young and pretty pissed off with some stuff back home here. Was sometime I always wanted to do back then, visit Hong Kong just before the British left. So I decided to pack me bag, bought me ticket for one and hopped on a plane almost immediately. No planning involved. Absolutely none. Only told me folks bout it. It was perhaps one of the most spontaneous things I have ever done. Sometimes I still can't believe me folks let me get away with it. Oh yah, best part of it, I couldn't speak a word of Cantonese!

Should I write bout what happened there? I dunno. Maybe one day I will.

Anyway, was wondering if anyone out there could fill me in on ...well... anything that you think I should keep an eye out while in Hong Kong. Thanks in advance!


  1. If I was going to HK, it would be to visit a friend of mine, otherwise, I can't think of anything that would draw me there.

  2. Bon Voyage Cavalock! I think spontenous travel is fun.

  3. goodluck and enjoy :)

  4. hi all, am back! Thanks for the well wishes!
