Saturday, November 25, 2006

Hong Kong Foody

Well, finally found the time to post me Hong Kong food pix. Forgive me but I can't remember most if not all of the names of the places. I think it's a guy thing. Ever since the primitive hunter days, primate man would just remember the field where he hunted his dinner. Sure, he'll remember how to get there, climb which valley or cross that river. But name the place? Nahhhh. I don't think so. But I digress.

Some breakfast pix I managed to snap. Starting with macaroni and ham soup, a very thin ham omelet and of cos, me favourite milk tea - done Hong Kong style. But I got to say, I really enjoyed all the food there, all my meals. They were great!

Yes, they really loooove their macaroni here. Here, McDonald's muscles in on the lucrative macaroni market too!

Lunch was a little too hit-n-run for me to snap anything. So here's a couple of dinner pix instead. Something porky with pieces of bread to wrap them in.

A very, very nice (medium) steak at Suzuki cafe. Yes, that's mayo. Really.

Oh wait, I do have a lunch pix. Was the lunch I had near me hotel, just before heading to the airport. Wan Ton Mee with mango pudding dessert. Apparently the restaurant is pretty famous. Was there a previous nite for dinner and was told that the guy sitting behind my table was some TV actor. A minor supporting role kinda guy although I have no idea who he is or was or whatever.


  1. While I know Asians like noodles, I must confess surprise to seeing macaroni.

    Nice shots. I love seeing (and trying) new foods. You make me envious (and hungry ;-)

  2. issit me, or the food doesn't look THAT appetising after all? esp the first pic of the macaroni and luncheon meat i suppose, it seems like even I can cook that!!

  3. niki: thanks!

    richard: when i was kid, i had macaroni soup pretty regularly. i still the different shapes and colors.

    serendipity: hah, think i know what u mean...the colors r kind dull.
