Saturday, September 09, 2006

Just Another Day

Ah...finally got the day off on Friday yesterday. Was me birthday. Went back for a great home cooked meal at me mom's place. She still makes the best steak (and pork chops and spaghetti)around. Then it was back home to catch Slither on DVD. Not a bad horror/comedy, kinda like Tremors. Someone once said, you know you are old when you look at your CD collection and realized that all the bands have either disbanded or the members are all dead.

Dinner was at Checkers at The Hilton. It was a seafood buffet. I think it's seafood every friday nites and Japanese every saturday nite. The best part was freeflow of wine! Woo-hoo! We actually thought of heading to The Line at Shangri-la but decided to try somewhere new for a change. What's more, The Line doesn't have free booze and it's more expensive but they do have a wider selection of food. Anyway, it was a pretty good dinner. They had oysters from four different countries, I only had the ones from France. I was told the cheesecake was pretty famous. Me being the wise-ass that I am, I did ask if they were going to play the Paris Hilton CD over the PA system. Heh.

Today was a little more interesting. Camper shoes at Takashimaya was having a 50% off everything but there weren't that much good guy shoes left. Lots of women shoes still around. Oh yah, reunited a lost 5-year-old girl with her mother and finally treated meself to this.


  1. Anonymous12:04 pm

    happie birthday!!!!

  2. Happy belated birthday!

    Yeah, mom always cooks the best.

  3. Belated Happy Birthday! Did you make a birthday wish? :)

  4. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  5. happy belated birthday! so how young are you really?
