Friday, August 11, 2006

A Hydrangea By Any Other Name

Here’s one of favorite non-food pix from my last trip to Japan. It’s the beautiful Hydrangea flower or Ajisai in Japanese. Snapped this in Kyoto at the famous Kiyomizu-dera Temple.

My aunt actually grows the flower here in Singapore too, funny thing is when I first heard the name ‘Hydrangea’, and I heard it as ‘Night Ranger’. I remember thinking to myself ‘that has got to be the coolest name for a flower ever!’

And here’s how it looks with a snail munching on it! I'm trying to make this a food blog so I had to show someone or something eating!


  1. Hi Cavalock

    That is one of the most beautiful flowers i've ever seen, does have a scent?

    I've never seen one in Singapore before.

    Well, i guess its acceptable to snap a picture of the snail munching and count it as one of food blog's entry..hee

  2. Lovely blue colour.

  3. that is so cool!!! to be able to catch the snail!

  4. hi sassylady: nice to see u back! yah, it does have a very nice scent although that day in kyoto, me nose was blocked and i couldn't smell anything! hah

    richard: yah!

    imp: well, its not like he's too fast for me to snap his pix. hehe

    niki: i saw a beautiful ajisai pix on your site too!

  5. Lovely bloom. Where's the geisha?
