Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Cheers For Cherries

Guess what, I finally installed MSN Messenger on me office laptop. Yah, I know I'm probably the last guy on Earth to do it but well, better late than never.

It's cherry season again! I love cherries! $28 per kg. Although they kinda have this effect on me, like hours later. All right, so you didn't really need to know that!

Was toying with me new camera and took some shots of the hottest mutants in town. Here's something for all you fans of Wolvie and gang, you know who you are, ladies!

Here's the gang in their Jim Lee-era comic book costumes.

This one I picked up in Japan last year. Pretty neat huh?


  1. There is something appealing about cherries and yet, they never quite satisfy.

    I have a cherry tree in my backyard in Ottawa (along with an apple tree and an apricot tree - did you know that apricot cot trees need to be involved in a threesome in order to bear fruit. Neither did I, because for the first 6 years I didn't know we had an apricot tree. I just thought is was a tree with pretty flowers in the spring. Until one year - the only year, we got about 12 apricots).

    Strawberries, raspberries (which I have bushes of too), blueberries, watermelon and grapes are much more satisfying - but then again, they are not the same type of fruit as cherries (which belongs to the same family as peaches, prunes, apricots and nectarines).

    Cold cherry soup is nice on a hot summer's day.

    Whoa! $28/Kg - I think it is about half that here - I don't ever reacall seeing them for more than $15/Kg (even if you factor in the exchange, you are still paying way more).

  2. Like cavalock, I hv that kinda of after efect too, so I just stick with strawn=berries instead..hee

    Hey the jap version of wolverine sooo hot n sexxyy..i like...tell me if you dont want it anymore k..wink'

  3. like popping

  4. Richard: Wow! Growing yr own fruits is something I wish we could do here in Singapore. Cherry soup? Er…think I’ll pass…heh

    Sassylady: if I ever do need to clear space for more stuff…I’ll pass Wolvie to you!

    Queen: More than you could possibly imagine…

  5. I hope Im not too late to post a comment here..

    Well what version of MSn did you installed? Isit version 7.5?

    Err..i always mistaken cherry as strawberry.

  6. Hey man, its 7.5

    Thought yr blog say u taking a break for World Cup? Good luck if u betting! heh...
