Friday, April 08, 2011

Cavalock and The Pasta Sauce Quest

Now where does the time go? It's April and Top Chef All-Stars is over and Top Chef Masters has just started. Me and the guys, my gaming buddies and partners in all things nerdy, have our own little forum page and we were listing all the weekly TV shows that we follow or rather download to be exact. Mine was like, over a dozen. Looking forward to the new season of Doctor Who and the TV debut of Game of Thrones.

Time for a long overdue supermarket update. A couple of cool goodies spotted at Meidi-ya. Tubs of Haagen-Dazs smoothies. I don't think I have seen them anywhere else. Well, I ain't a smoothie fan so I don't think I'll be picking them up.

Next up is some chocolate cookie dough. It says Limited Edition on the pack so I guess that means something special, non?

Well, I'm still keeping myself busy in the kitchen. Experimenting on some pasta sauces. My problem is I'm always cooking for one and I can't make 'normal' portions which are usually for two or more, know what I mean?

Anyway it's kinda fun trying to come up with your own unique sauces. Some of the ingredients I pick up from food magazines I downloaded, others from TV shows etc. Mix them up and see what happens. :P

I try to make my own tomato paste instead of getting them from a can. Takes more than an hour if you count the prep work. Yah 'prep work', that's another thing I picked up from watching Top Chef. Hah!

Did a couple of different sauces over the week. Not bad, could be a little thicker. I like to use penne pasta cos of the way it's shaped you can get your sauce or ingredients like minced meat into it. It's better that way.


  1. The Haagen Dazs smoothies aren't really smoothies. It's a mix of their ice creams & sorbets. Apricot & cream + mango sorbet, summer berries ice cream + raspberry sorbet I think. I'll probably try them.

    cavalock, for your sauces or anything you cook, you can always prepare for 2 and freeze/chill the other portion. Then you can have it twice! Just reheat. Save you the trouble of cooking again hah.

  2. Thanks for the tip! Yah, I did thought of that too but so far sauces I made aren't as good as I hoped so didn't really feel like keeping it. ;)
