Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cavalock and The iPad Inflight Imitation

Well, since it's highly unlikely that I'll be going anywhere this year, I figured I'll share this little thing I do for fun, I guess you could say it's a cheap thrill kinda thing but hey, I like it.

Now one thing I sorta look forward to when flying is all them inflight movies and shows. What I managed to do is 'simulate' that inflight entertainment experience or more specifically night flight entertainment experience using my iPad.

You set the mood in your bedroom to mimic the one in your plane cabin. I did it and it really, really felt like I was back on a plane flying past midnite on my way back to Tokyo cos that's my usual flight, leave Singapore round midnite and arriving at the crack of dawn in Narita.

First download a movie or TV show you like and wanna watch on your iPad.

Second turn off the lights and turn on the air-con, a noisy air-con is actually a plus point here cos it'll resemble a rumbling plane engine. :)

Third snuggle up under the blankets and sit up in bed, like you would on a plane.

Took that pix while in bed and it felt so much like the last time I was up in the air. The silent surroundings, the glow from your inflight entertainment screen. Then you start feeling sleepy halfway through the movie, you doze off sitting up. For added realism, get a stranger to climb into bed with you. It'll be just like have someone sitting next to you! You can pass the iPad to her and try to fall asleep while that annoying glow next to you keeps keeping you awake!

Food stuff now! Back at the old stomping ground for awhile, and I finally managed to sample the popular chicken macaroni stall at Tanjong Pagar Market and Food Centre. It's not an easy stall to find, with no pictures of their dishes displayed or anything. Look for Dao Ji Cooked Food, the one with the MakanSutra cert.

As you can see there's a lot of non-traditional stuff in that bowl. All the ingredients complimented each other, the dumplings, the mushrooms, etc. it all helped make the meal all that fuller and all that more mouth-watering.


  1. Oh my what a brilliant find! Thanks Cavalock! I've been trying all my life to find a stall which sells such old school macaroni soup. Didn't know this stall is popular for it. I used to love those instant ones that come in boxes from the supermarts. Just can't find them anymore.

    So did you get a stranger to climb into bed with you? =P

  2. hey, so have u tried it yet? <^;^>
